Terms of Use

Petermcintyre.co.nz has been developed by Jonathan Grant Gallery as a collection of the research and materials gathered by Jonathan Grant Gallery in its’ 30 years exhibiting artwork by Peter McIntyre. This catalogue has been created for educational purposes and is not a catalogue raisonné.


Unless stated, all images are copyright of Jonathan Grant Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand. 

Jonathan Grant Gallery reserves the right to request that none of the content on this site be reproduced, transmitted or copied without the Gallery’s express written permission, except for the purposes of private study or research, in accordance with the Copyright Act 1994.

For written permission to reproduce information on this website for any purpose other than that mentioned above, please contact the gallery at andrew@jgg.co.nz


Petermcintyre.co.nz provides high-quality photographs where possible.

While every effort has been made to provide colour accurate, high-quality photographs, lower quality photographs are included if necessary.


Titles are presented as designated by sales records and inscriptions front or verso.

Medium and Materials

Mediums and materials are provided to the highest level of determinable specificity.


Dimensions are given in millimetres, height by width.


The most accurate account of an artwork provenance at the time of data collection is provided.

Related Work

Artworks by Peter McIntyre that relate are included where appropriate.